

CSCI Notes 1/31/24

ASCII is a set of 128 numerical codes that represent the English letters, various punctuation marks, and other characters (1960). Each character (letter, punctuation, etc.) is assigned a unique bit pattern. ASCII: uses patterns of 7-bits to represent most symbols used in written English text. Control characters: The first 32 characters in the ASCII table are unprintable control codes and are used to control peripherals such as printers. Printable characters: (32-127) They are called printable characters and represent letters, digits, punctuation marks, and a few misc. Other Types of Data: Negatuve Numbers - Base two's complement. Decimals and very large numbers - floating point notation. Pictures - data is called pixels or "picture elements". Music/other audio - data is called "samples".

ENGL Notes 2/1/24

Julien is the father of Vianne and Isabelle. Vianne is in a romantiv relationship with Antoine, and they have a child named Sophie. Vianne has a best friend name Rachel and she is im a relationship with a man named Marc. They have two children. Timeline: The book opens in April of 1995, and there is a mysterious narrator who is one of the sisters, she is dying of cancer and has a son named Julien named after her father. 1939-1944 then in the middle of the book we return back to the narrator in 1995. She receives an invitation to go to a party for a reunion of people who were in the resistance. Then the story switches back to the war and then at the end we are sent back to the future, where we finally find out who she is.

Hi Giselle.